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Bei EastRecruiting in Haiger werden Mentorprogramme angeboten, die neue Mitarbeiter unterstützen und ihre Integration erleichtern. Wer kann Mentor werden und welche Vorteile ergeben sich daraus? Hat jemand von diesen Programmen profitiert?
Me and my daughter worked for Pilzgarten GmbH and everything was as discussed with EastRecruiting.
pracuje w Bonn, mam niemiecka umowe, pokoj i wyzywienie i godziwe zarobki!!!!
przez caly sezon pracowalem w Kostbar am See w Niemczech, mysle ze za rok tez skorzystam z ofert agencji, mozna szybko wyjechac i szybko zarobic
pracuje od dwoch miesiecy jako pomoc kuchenna w Das Seinz, dziekuje za super kontakt :)
EastRecruiting helped me and my husband to find a really great job as Küchenhilfe at Zum Blauen. We are satisfied with the employer and Eastrecruiting services!!!
We received workers from Eastrecruiting. 6 People arrived without any problems. In January we will need more people and we will cooperate with Eastrecruiting.
Ist EastRecruiting ein vertrauenswürdiges Unternehmen? Vielen Dank im Voraus für jegliche Antworten.
pracuje jako dojarz w gospodarstwie Doden i oferta sie zgadza, mam umowe i ubespieczenie
i worked with my brother last year with this agency in company Meiser, everything was well organised, we got contracts and accommodation
szybko udalo mi sie znalezc prace sezonowa, trafilam na naprawde wiarygodnego i milego pracodawce, a to sie zdarza nieczesto...
I work at Hotel Garni, I got a super employee flat, I am very satisfied and pleasantly surprised by the working conditions :)
wyjechalam w zeszlym roku na sezon do restauracji Kreuz, w tym roku znow wyjezdzam z agencja bo bylam zadowolona
I went to work at the Pension am Theater hotel in Schwerin, I wanted to get a job quickly in just a few days and so I did. there is a lot of work because the season has just started, but it is not piecework, the accommodation is good, the advantage is that it is in the same place and you don't have to commute anywhere.. the employer is fine and my recruiter is very helpful.
I am happy with the recruitment company EastRecruiting and for the job as Warehouse worker at Albfood AG they found me.
I got job as a baker in Naturbackerei Zeh, agency was really helpful for me in organising travell and also in contact with employer.
The agency EastRecruiting helped me and my wife to find a job as cooks for :Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald. Everything went smooth and easy, besides the accommodation of the employer, which wasn't as expected. EastRecruiting was always answering promptly to our inquires.
Przyjechałam do pracy w Szwajcarii jako kelnerka. Wszystko w porządku, pracodawca odebral mnie z dworca, zakwaterowanie super. Polecam :)!
wszystko ok, sprawdzona agencja
I arrived at the Hotel Stechelberg and I am very positively surprised, my first impression is great, the accommodation and the view from the window are beautiful, the boss is very nice, she showed me everything right away and welcomed me warmly. I already thanked the lady from the agency for organising this position, I will recommend it to everyone :)
Received from company eastrecruiting offer as housekeeper in Austria. Boss gave me room with own wc, all is good. Thank you
Rozpocząłem pracę w Kramers Biergarten jako kucharz, pracodawca bardzo miło mnie przyjął, zaopiekował się mną i wprowadził do pracy. Jestem mile zaskoczony. Kontakt z panią z agencji super.
A few days ago I started work as a cleaner at Camp Hammer, I recommend the agency for the very good contact, the availability on the phone practically all the time and the compliance with the offer, everything is great.
Am fost angajat de compania Eastrecruiting. Locul de munca in compania GF Casting Solutions Leipzig ca si ''Metal worker'' este unul stabil si profesionist!
pracuje z agencji na szparagach w Johann Kurzhals, poki co robota jest ok,umowa tez
We are really happy with our employer in Germany : Horn Projekt 2 GmbH.
Eastrecruiting helped us in finding a suitable and reliable employer.
Working as a courier by Eastrecruiting. Got contract with good terms, accommodation looks nice - I got single room from the company with full equipment. Recruiter stay in touch with me and asked if everything is fine. Im happy
I have been working for company: Forst und Holz Boehl as a forester. The company Eastrecruiting assisted me in each aspect during the hiring process.
Lucrez la compania Pilzgarten in agricultura. Sunt foarte satisfacuta de colectivul de munca, de angajator si de colaborarea cu Eastrecruiting.
Eastrecruting recruited me to work on strawberries in Hamburg. Everything is fine, boss is really nice, they waited for my arrival and called me all the time when I will arrive. No problems, very nice company.