Ubisoft in Düsseldorf Gehalt

Luise-Rainer-Straße 7, Düsseldorf
Telefon:  +49 211 338000
MwSt-IdNr.: HRB 60251

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Gehalt aus Positionen in Ubisoft

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Ubisoft rekrutiert für Positionen:



  • The mission of the Communications Manager is to manage earned relationships with press, media, and relevant local organizations
  • The Communications Manager will drive local coverage across specialist, entertainment, mainstream, and corporate press with awareness and engagement strategies and consideration depending on the target audience
  • The local Communication team will be responsible for working alongside the central communication teams to deploy and implement the global brand communication strategies adapting them for their specific territory
  • Utilizing a “player-first” mentality and using their knowledge of videogames, entertainment and pop culture, Communications Managers will secure unique coverage with a focus on storytelling aiming to drive awareness, engagement, and growth of Ubisoft’s player base


  • Strong written, verbal, analytical, presentation and interpersonal skills, and an eye for detail
  • Fluent in English, native or bilingual Dutch
  • Skilled at fostering relationships with press, and familiar with the latest trends within the media landscape
  • Proven experience in PR/Communications, ideally including experience within the videogames or entertainment sectors
  • Demonstrate analytical and strategic thought in planning, as well as the ability to execute creative tactics

Gehalt aus Positionen in Ubisoft

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
350 €
4145 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

350 €

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