willy.tel in Hamburg Bewertungen


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2025-01-17 16:04
Bewertungen über willy.tel:
basierend auf 55 Bewertungen 
  • Employees appreciate a positive working atmosphere, the flexibility in work times, and the company's emphasis on service, price-performance, and regional orientation.

  • Staff benefits from regular training and potential recognition.

  • Home office flexibility, fair team leadership, and secure job positions are valued.

  • Company culture is described as supportive, with a focus on team cohesion during company events and respect towards older colleagues.

  • There are positive sentiments regarding interesting and varied tasks, good work-life balance, and teams pushing for digitalization and sustainability.

  • Several reviews indicate that salaries are below market levels, although there have been adjustments.

  • Technological challenges with hardware and software regularly occur, affecting work productivity.

  • The company faces issues such as lack of air conditioning and non-adjustable office desks, impacting workplace comfort.

  • Communication delays and sectoral egos occasionally disrupt the ideal flow of operations.

  • There's room for improvement in benefits such as health and wellness programs.

KI-generierter Inhalt basierend auf echten Benutzerbewertungen

Mentoring-Programme bei willy.tel in Hamburg ermöglichen es den Mitarbeitern, wertvolle Beziehungen zu erfahrenen Kollegen aufzubauen und Wissen zu teilen, was die berufliche Entwicklung beschleunigt.

Wisst Ihr mehr über willy.tel ? Schreibt, welche Infos über die aktuelle Position der Firma ihr habt. Deine Meinung zählt!

Kürzlich hinzugefügte Jobangebote in willy.tel

IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d), Mitarbeiter Kundenbetreuung / Call-Center

Wie ist das Arbeitsklima bei willy.tel ?

Beliebt bei Arbeitssuchenden in der Branche Sport und Erholung