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wandelbots rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Community Manager
Marketing Manager
You love challenges, solve problems, work in a self-initiated way, and are reliable
You have a strong mathematical background with a focus on linear algebra, numerical optimization, statistics, and related areas
You have several years of experience building software with Python
You are capable of designing and evaluating optimization algorithms
This specifically includes asynchronous communications and multi-threading, Python’s build and packaging, and dependency management features
You are familiar with terms like duality, non-linear or dynamic programming
And you also have a deep understanding of how to profile and debug even complex Python applications
You possess a thorough understanding of data structures, paired with strong algorithmic and logical thinking
2017 founded, Wandelbots employs more than 100 people from 14 countries today. From our headquarters in Dresden Germany, we are giving our heart and soul to follow our mission, to empower everybody to easily work with robots
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