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UPM rekrutiert für Positionen:
Business Manager
Business Manager
Production manager
Supply chain planner
Warehouse Manager
Logistics manager
Elektroniker Betriebstechnik
Business Manager
You are familiar with management accounting and have a good understanding of both German HGB and IFRS basic accounting standards
You are fluent in German and you are able to communicate in English effectively
You are based in either Ettringen or Schongau mill location and generally willing to travel between these two locations
You have strong analytical skills and the ability to understand and conceptualize complex processes and data flows
You demonstrate strong collaboration and team working skills, with a flexible, positive, and proactive attitude towards a changing and global work environment
Additional information
UPM Communication Papers is now looking for a proactive, dynamic and results driven Business Control Manager located at our Schongau and Ettringen mills in Germany
Deliver performance analyses and conduct benchmarking
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