Lesen Sie die Erfahrungen von Kandidaten, Kunden sowie ehemaligen und aktuellen Mitarbeitern von Raiffeisen Agil Leese eG.
Sie können auch eine Rezension und Bewertung des Unternehmens hinzufügen und Fragen stellen, sowie die Gehälter bei diesem Unternehmen überprüfen.
Raiffeisen Agil Leese eG offers an abundance of positive working conditions including strong team collaboration, supportive environment for work-life balance, opportunities for career growth and education, and general employee satisfaction with inter-departmental relationships and management. Praises are specifically given for its healthy corporate culture with varied tasks and responsible environmental practices. The company's service in pellet delivery and customer interactions are noted as friendly and efficient.
The organizational climate is characterized by good camaraderie among workers, helpful management, and a tendency to financially recognize the efforts of the workforce. Additionally, social awareness and open communication are highlighted.
Some negatives highlighted include long decision-making processes and a tendency towards excessive safety-oriented policies which may inhibit agility and speed in operations. Struggles with corporate structuring and clarity in leadership directions were mentioned as areas needing improvement.
Customer service issues were noted, particularly in handling small errors, where there was a preference for more direct communication like a phone call rather than formal warnings or penalties.
Wir warten auf aktuelle Nachrichten über die Arbeit. Wisst Ihr, was Neues bei Raiffeisen Agil Leese eG gibt, weil darüber seit langem nichts mehr zu sehen ist? Wir zählen auf Deine Meinung!
Der dynamische Arbeitsansatz und die Unterstützung des Teams sind die entscheidenden Merkmale von Raiffeisen Agil Leese eG in Leese. Was waren Ihre Eindrücke?