Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten. rekrutiert für Positionen:
Project Manager
Junior Manager
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
You help creating services in Golang and work on a new backend API and create data processing pipelines
You coordinate your work closely with your agile team of POs, designers, frontend developers, DevOps engineers, business analysts
You will optimize and maintain existing parts of our applications existing products and infrastructure
Testing and code reviews will be an integral part of your daily work
Maintenance and improvement
Improve yourself and help your team
Experience with Bazel, that’s a plus
You value the importance of communication with your team in the way of Discussions or clarification
Working with fixed deadlines and sometimes under time pressure motivates you
You are curious and happy to learn about new techniques and technologies when required
You are comfortable working in an international team where English is the primary language of written and spoken communication
Working experience with Golang, SQL databases and NodeJS and you see a Docker and Kubernetes environment as part of your daily routine
2+ years of experience in an agile software development
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