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Harvest AI rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Development and maintenance of the user interface for web applications using React.js
Collaborating closely with designers and back-end developers to implement and optimize UI components
Building reusable React components to ensure consistency and efficiency
Conducting code reviews and providing constructive feedback to team members
Staying up-to-date with the latest web development trends, tools, and technologies
Identifying and addressing performance and security issues in our web applications
Proven experience in front-end development with a focus on React.js
Strong collaboration and communication skills, as you'll work closely with designers and back-end developers
A keen eye for detail, with a passion for delivering high-quality and visually appealing user interfaces
Proficiency in Front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Material-UI, and Recharts
A lot of personal freedom and a pleasant working atmosphere in a young, very international team
Flexible working hours with the possibility to work partly in a home office in order to be able to combine career and family
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