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Europcell rekrutiert für Positionen:
Customer Service
Customer Service
Manager Travel
Customer service representative
Kaufmann für Büromanagement
Lead, manage and develop the Eastern Europe team of currently 6 employees
Lead, manage and develop the Eastern Europe team of currently 7 employees
Coordination and control of the daily business in close cooperation with the sales department
Continuous development/optimisation of our customer service processes
Independent, structured processing of worldwide trading transactions including the preparation of orders, order confirmations, customs clearance documents, delivery papers and invoices
Coordination of transports and creation of transport orders
Direct daily contact with our domestic and foreign business partners
Support of the sales department in the processing and initiation of purchasing and sales transactions
Fluent in spoken as well as written English and Russian - knowledge of German desirable
Fluent in spoken as well as written English and Russian- knowledge of German desirable
Service-oriented and independent working method
A quick perception, analytical thinking and a structured and precise way of working
Good communicative, intercultural and social skills
Pleasure in a new challenge and the daily cooperation with customers, suppliers, agents and sales
You have completed a commercial apprenticeship - preferably in a logistics company or in the field of foreign trade - or have a comparable university degree
You have completed a commercial apprenticeship- preferably in a logistics company or in the field of foreign trade- or have a comparable university degree
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