CARLY in Saarbrücken Gehalt

Lebacher Str. 4, 66113 Saarbrücken, Deutschland
Telefon:  +49 6361 459104
MwSt-IdNr.: HRB 15504

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Gehalt aus Positionen in CARLY

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CARLY rekrutiert für Positionen:

Application Engineer


  • As a Junior Mobile Application Engineer, you will have a significant role in our new startup
  • We are a small team of experienced developers and startup entrepreneurs
  • ​You will learn from experienced engineers, and play a key role in delivering exciting mobile applications


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field
  • Experience with mobile development tools or backend engineering experiences is nice to have
  • A flexible way of working
  • A very motivated team with a proven track record of successful technical startups