Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Birdie rekrutiert für Positionen:
Business Manager
Are based in Germany and willing to be in our Berlin office on a consistent basis
Have a can-do attitude and growth mentality. You are someone who gets things done and is willing to roll up your sleeves and take responsibility
Ideally, have previous experience in a sales development role, or show interest for sales & strong coachability
Parental Leave Primary caregivers are entitled to 26 weeks of parental leave at 100% of your usual salary and secondary caregivers are entitled to 12 weeks of parental leave, at 100% of your usual salary
Are a German native speaker based in Berlin
Are an excellent communicator, both written and verbal. You can easily explain the benefits of a service, and can simplify complex topics in a way that anyone can understand
Growing with trust is key. Everyone sets their own development plan and gets support to learn fast, from training to books or coaches. We live by radical candour: we give honest feedback and care deeply & personally about each other
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