Zweite Monaco Wohnbau in Grünwald Gehalt

Zweite Monaco Wohnbau
Premium-Profil inaktiv
Premium-Profil inaktiv

Gehalt aus Positionen in Zweite Monaco Wohnbau

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Geschätztes Gehalt

€ 260

Mediangehalt bei Zweite Monaco Wohnbau

€ 260 Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 636 Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 2500 Höchstes Gehalt

Glauben Sie, dass Mitarbeiter, die bei Zweite Monaco Wohnbau arbeiten, fair bezahlt werden?

Zweite Monaco Wohnbau rekrutiert für Positionen:



  • Performance-oriented worker
  • Ambitious & stress-resistant character
  • General interest in your working place and other hotel outlets
  • German & English fluent, 3rd foreign language advantageous
  • Good understanding of Property Management Systems
  • Training / study in the 4*- 5- area
  • Minimum 2 years experience in the reception or reservation department of a hotel
  • Very good public transport connections


  • The Michelberger lives, changes, and grows in diversity with every new colleague on our international team
  • The Michelberger is a modern sanctuary in the heart of Berlin, writing its own story for more than a decade. A place where we meet each other with kindness, respect, patience, and understanding. We are here to shape
  • the environment that we desire to live in. Above all, we are a human open social space. Where guests and hosts meet on an eye-to-eye level, where the appreciation for the craft of service, the quality of products, and the process
  • behind is treasured golden. Human encounters, the celebration of togetherness around food and culture, and the freedom of thought, opinion, and speech are at the core of our identity

Gehalt aus Positionen in Zweite Monaco Wohnbau

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
2500 €
1318 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

636 €