YourVid in Schweinfurt Gehalt

Maibacher Str. 36, 97424 Schweinfurt, Deutschland
Telefon:  +49 9721 4799623
MwSt-IdNr.: HRB 7633

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Gehalt aus Positionen in YourVid

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YourVid rekrutiert für Positionen:

Business Manager


  • Strong communication and team collaboration skills
  • Full working proficiency in English
  • Full working proficiency in other languages, especially German
  • Ability to manage numerous projects simultaneously under deadlines
  • Freedom & Flexibility: As a remote-first company, we empower our team to work from wherever they want, whenever they want
  • Extensive practical or academic experience in intellectual property and handling international legal matters
  • Excellent entrepreneurial and creative thinking skills
  • A structured, organized, and reliable working style