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Würth Cloud Services rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Sales Manager
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Vollzeit, Festanstellung
Design, develop, and maintain robust and scalable backend services using Kotlin and Python for our mobile apps
Collaborate with our cross-functional teams to understand end-user requirements, formulate use cases, and translate these into pragmatic and effective technical solutions
Deliver high-quality code, focusing on simplicity, performance, maintainability, and scalability
Implement APIs
Handle complex data models and graph queries
Work on database design, querying, data migration, and optimization
Troubleshoot and resolve issues, problems, and errors encountered across our various platforms
Conduct code reviews, enhancing code quality, and maximize application performance
C++: 1 Jahr
Java: 1 Jahr
Programmierung: 1 Jahr
Informatik: 1 Jahr
Advanced experience with Kotlin and Python
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
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