Tracks & Fields in Berlin Gehalt

Swinemünder Straße 121, 10435 Berlin
Telefon:  +49 30 61288240
MwSt-IdNr.: Berlin (Charlottenburg) HRB 113924

Tracks & Fields
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Gehalt aus Positionen in Tracks & Fields

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Tracks & Fields rekrutiert für Positionen:

Social Media Manager


  • proven experience in in content writing for social media, blog and web outlets
  • Knowing how social media work in order to get people attracted to our content
  • also well-versed in writing longer, fact-driven articles, ideally in the B2B space in English
  • interesting writing style
  • perfect English, ideally a native speaker
  • an ambitious work environment: we want to win projects, client’s hearts and awards
  • strong research and analytical skills to write pieces that are relevant to an audience already educated in their fields
  • Please send links to 5-10 published pieces of content you have written