theBASE FOL Group in Berlin Gehalt

theBASE FOL Group
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Gehalt aus Positionen in theBASE FOL Group

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theBASE FOL Group rekrutiert für Positionen:

Location Manager


  • Personalwirtschaft
  • Personalwirtschaft


  • You have several years of professional experience within the field of hospitality or in a customer service role
  • Your experiences in food & beverage, events and community management are a plus
  • You will fight for solutions and ideas that appear ideal for you, while thinking win-win when it comes to taking decisions
  • You know what kind of team you need to run and you can lead it- you have done so before
  • You know what our community wants and you can define and implement actions to make it happen
  • You believe “Together is the only perfect way” and always contribute to a great team spirit
  • You have worked in a fast-moving environment and know how to juggle many tasks
  • You are happy to work in a startup environment and have a strong “hands-on” mentality