Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Teijin Aramid rekrutiert für Positionen:
Application Manager
Application Manager
You have at least 5 years of experience as a people manager
You have a technical background or experience as a manager in a laboratory / production environment
You are a Bachelor of Science, State-certified Technical Engineer, or Bachelor Professional
You have good communication skills and understanding of cultural differences
You have a good command of English, both verbally and in reports; speaking German is an necessity
Finally, you consider safe working practices of highest importance
You are a team player and enjoy working together in an international environment within our global organization, as well as with our external partners
A very good salary
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