Gehalt aus Positionen in Technical University of Munich (TUM)
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Technical University of Munich (TUM) rekrutiert für Positionen:
Office Management
Ultra-wideband raster-scan optoacoustic mesoscopy has shown unprecedented resolutions while non-invasively assessing human skin anatomy and vasculature in vivo through the whole skin depth
The importance and relevance of RSOM for visualization of pathophysiological skin parameters was made obvious when Nature Biomedical Engineering featured the first RSOM images of human skin on its cover
We recently demonstrated RSOM’s ability to quantify both differences in vascular morphology between benign and malignant skin lesions , as well as changes in vascular morphology within psoriasis plaques in response to treatment
The successful candidate will work in further development of RSOM to achieve faster imaging speed, deeper penetration depth and more tissue information for various biological and clinical applications
Excellent command of the English language
Team player skills and enthusiasm to work in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative environment
Strong motivation, scientific curiosity, and commitment to scientific excellence
Experience in optics, lasers, or imaging system development
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