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Schlafender Hase rekrutiert für Positionen:
Business Manager
Business Manager
Business Manager
Minimum of 4 years’ proven working experience in international enterprise B2B SaaS business as an Account Executive or Business Developer
Proven working experience within the SaaS Technology sector
Proven ability to learn quickly in a fast-paced environment
Must work well in an entrepreneurial international environment; be a self-starter, and be an empathic seller
Hold a minimum of a College Degree in economics
Be Self-motivated and work independently with little supervision
Strong communication, interpersonal skills, and analytical and strategic skills
Strong problem-solving skills
GTM Strategies in new markets, and regional industry research
Analyze hunting and farming sales potential from Tier 1 prospects and customers
Ad-hoc projects and analysis
B&D assists the CEO with strategic Project Management within the operational departments like Marketing, Sales Development, Business Development and Sales, Customer Success, and Finance
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