RWTH Aachen in Aachen Gehalt

RWTH Aachen
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Geschätztes Gehalt

€ 240

Mediangehalt bei RWTH Aachen

€ 240 Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 253 Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 300 Höchstes Gehalt

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RWTH Aachen rekrutiert für Positionen:

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


  • Essays in Biochem
  • 2022; Trenner et al
  • Annual Reviews 2021; Trujillo et al
  • New Phytologist 2021)
  • Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification involved in all aspect of cellular physiology, which is critical in maintaining homeostasis during stress
  • The RWTH Aachen University exploits strong research networks and the intellectual curiosity of its staff to address bold scientific questions, transfer forefront knowledge and drive innovative discoveries that impact global challenges
  • We are looking for a Research Assistant/Associate with a passion for ubiquitin biology. You should also bring some expertise in protein biochemistry and/or cell biology. Additional requirements are a PhD degree and excellent English
  • Research in the Trujillo lab focuses on understanding ubiquitin signalling and its roles in the regulation of immune responses and general protein homeostasis (Brillada et al