Raisin in Berlin Gehalt

Bewertung 4.5/5
basierend auf 91 externen Bewertungen
Immanuelkirchstraße 14a, 10405 Berlin
Telefon:  +49 30 770191295
MwSt-IdNr.: Berlin (Charlottenburg) HRB 146726
Bewertung 4.5/5
basierend auf 91 externen Bewertungen

Premium-Profil inaktiv
Premium-Profil inaktiv

Gehalt aus Positionen in Raisin

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Geschätztes Gehalt

€ 1700

Mediangehalt bei Raisin

€ 1700 Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 1700 Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 1700 Höchstes Gehalt

Glauben Sie, dass Mitarbeiter, die bei Raisin arbeiten, fair bezahlt werden?

Raisin rekrutiert für Positionen:

Product designer


  • Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
  • Informationsdesign & Dokumentation


  • A strong understanding of business and product metrics
  • Ability to articulate and unfold your design decisions with an iterative mentality and embrace feedback with a growth mindset
  • You have the ability to speak confidently to your own design work and convince others of your reasoning
  • 5+ years of product design thinking experience
  • You are an excellent systems thinker. You are able to think beyond your immediate problem and to consider it within the context of a wider ecosystem. You are good at mapping out larger problem spaces to set the context for your work
  • You have a people-focused design mentality and have the communication and facilitation skills to help set up frameworks and brainstorm initial design concepts
  • You are proficient in data-informed product design and development. You are comfortable leveraging insights and data with the design craft to deliver high quality products


  • Our culture is strongly driven by our ambitious team, which, connects more than 40 different nationalities
  • At Raisin, we care about each other and it is one of our top priorities to foster an open and caring environment in which everyone feels welcome and comfortable
  • You'll find us in our modern and open office in the trendy Kreuzberg district with a view of the Spree River, ideally connected to public transportation and surrounded by a variety of restaurants and shopping opportunities

Gehalt aus Positionen in Raisin

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
1700 €
3298 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

1700 €