Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Planon rekrutiert für Positionen:
A company is nothing without its employees
Our employees are the beating heart of our company and the key to our joint success
To maintain our success, you need to be a good team player who shows initiative, communicates proactively and brings a healthy dose of humor as well as enough flexibility to deal with our colorful system landscape and its challenges
You are fluent in German and have a professional command of written and spoken English
You are well organized and know how to prioritize
We live an open, multicultural culture and offer a flexible working environment where we enjoy achieving ambitious goals as a team
We also offer challenging projects with world-leading clients and exceptional experiences
A good understanding of contract and project management
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