Beschreiben Sie dem Arbeitgeber, welche Erfahrungen Sie haben, und erhalten Sie interessante Karriereangebote! Lassen Sie sich von anderen Nutzern bei Ihrer Wahl beraten.
Next Level Coffee rekrutiert für Positionen:
Customer service manager
Customer service manager
Social Media Manager
Communication skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to convey information clearly, concisely, and in a customer-friendly manner
Organizational skills: Strong organizational skills to manage multiple tasks and prioritize effectively in a fast-paced customer support environment
We want to do great stuff with a great team- this only works with a #nofilter and #nobullshit attitude
You are best in class- and are enabled to make best in class decisions
Customer-centric mindset: A genuine passion for delivering exceptional customer experiences and a deep understanding of customer needs and expectations
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