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Anytime again, good field surgery team.
Good place for service and work , Good CdCO
yep that works, good team
Say something more about job. What are the duties? Is it easy for people with no experience? or do they only see doctors?
It´s not allowed under german law doing advertising for troop recruitment. So use the web for directly contact.
Good CO , was a good time to work in the FVetCps of Spgd AB VetS under him.
true content, good comrade
Sieht gut aus.. und hast du vielleicht diese Labordiagnostik-Leistungen gekauft? Ist das ziemlich schnell gemacht?
After translate this, here is my answer, this is a site for empoyees aka service member. So we serve together as state duty member or civil employees. If you want information about the surgery performance, you should ask otherwise. Have a nice day.
Thanks for the answer! Sure, got it. I thought maybe you were using this service and can tell, if everything was okey
Fachlich und sozialkompetent
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre bei Mobile Tierarztpraxis T. Rakel in Vahlberg inspiriert zu Aktion und Engagement, erhöht die Effizienz und steigert die Moral aller Mitarbeiter.