Gehalt aus Positionen in Judith Michel Personalberatung
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Judith Michel Personalberatung rekrutiert für Positionen:
Regional Sales Manager
Regional Sales Manager
Willingness to travel and attend web meetings
Confident skills of written and spoken English and Arabic, ideally German and / or a Scandinavian language
Confident skills of written and spoken English and Arabic, ideally German and / or a Scandinavian language
High esteem for and enjoy coordinating with and working in interdisciplinary teams
Confident skills of written and spoken German, English and Russian and ideally knowledge of another Slavic language
High esteem for and enjoy coordinating with and working in interdisciplinary teams
Qualifying Attributes and Skills
Active communication, empathy and diplomacy are basic requirements for you to be successful in sales and working in a team? Are you a committed technician with knowledge of the relevant markets, highly motivated and a people person with the ability to approach people and enjoy change and growth - and see yourself in an active part of the work in interdisciplinary teams? Then we are looking exactly for you
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