Gehalt aus Positionen in Infineon Technologies Semiconductor
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Infineon Technologies Semiconductor rekrutiert für Positionen:
Field Application Engineer
Field Application Engineer
Sales Director
You demonstrate strong communication skills and you are able to build a positive and trustful relationship
You are also interested in new requirements in the automotive market and exchange your knowledge and experience within the team
You will be able to focus deeply on technology – while further pursuing your career
Moreover, you are looking for an active conversation with our customers, you evaluate chances and risks carefully and cooperate as a team player
With this position you will be entering our „technical ladder”: our career path for experts
Experience with ECU layouts and PCB designs is an advantage
Fluent English and German communication skills
As you continually expand your expert knowledge, puzzle over matters and solve problems, you will position yourself as a thought leader – thus helping our products improve our world a bit more each day
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