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Helpling rekrutiert für Positionen:
Graphic designer
Graphic designer
Graphic designer
Medien & Kommunikation
Medien & Kommunikation
Develop a design project from concept to realization and it can be seen in your portfolio
Edit photos and videos from stock imagery and photo shoots
Work with raster and vector stock imagery to blend them into the designs
Help localize marketing kits
Support the team with the creation of various materials for offline and digital marketing such as images for the landing pages, animated banners, visuals for social media, presentations, flyers, OOH, etc
Ability to prioritize projects to produce quality work under tight deadlines
Fluent in English, German knowledge is a plus
Having a sharp eye and strong hand while editing pictures, working with typography & iconography, creating static & motion graphics
Experience working in a team with other designers, copywriters, and art directors
Proficiency in Google Tools and Project Management Tools such as Jira is a plus
You are located in Germany
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