Gut Sambach in Mühlhausen Bewertungen


Gut Sambach
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2025-02-09 13:43
Bewertungen über Gut Sambach:
basierend auf 210 Bewertungen 
  • Visitors enjoy the Christmas market with tasty delicacies and the availability of high-quality, mainly regional organic products in the farm shop.

  • The farm offers a pleasant experience for children and shoppers, highlighting its appeal to families and local consumers.

  • Customers appreciate the high-quality fresh produce including dairy products like fresh milk from the milk automat, indicating a focus on quality in product offerings.

  • There are significant concerns about the treatment of employees, including mobbing, lack of support for trainees, and generally poor management practices.

  • Work-life balance is poorly rated with frequent unpaid overtime expected, and there is little to no opportunity for career advancement or training.

  • The hygienic conditions and overall organizational structure are criticized, coupled with concerns about misleading practices like inappropriately labeled organic certifications.

KI-generierter Inhalt basierend auf echten Benutzerbewertungen

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Gut Sambach in Mühlhausen gilt als Vorbild für Talentförderung und bietet viele Entwicklungsressourcen. Was sind eure Erfahrungen mit solchen Programmen?

Wie ist das Arbeitsklima bei Gut Sambach ?

Beliebt bei Arbeitssuchenden in der Branche Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei