Golding Capital Partners
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Gehalt aus Positionen in Golding Capital Partners

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Golding Capital Partners rekrutiert für Positionen:



  • englisch
  • deutsch


  • You are characterised by an independent, structured and solution-oriented way of working
  • You have a high degree of self-motivation, reliability and flexibility and a bias for action
  • We offer you the opportunity to work in a beautiful, modern office in Munich as well as remote
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Fluency in German and English with strong verbal and written communication skills
  • You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • You are motivated and optimistic as well as a team player with enthusiasm for an international working environment
  • Proficiency in Process Design Tools, Software and Project Management Tools

Gehalt aus Positionen in Golding Capital Partners

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
556 €
1328 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

556 €