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Fashionette AG rekrutiert für Positionen:
You are responsible for the category Handbags & Shoes and are the first point of contact for various suppliers and brands
You are in charge of the selection and control of the assortment
You negotiate conditions with the respective suppliers of international brands
Seasonal volume and sales planning is also part of your responsibilities
fashionette is a European platform for premium and luxury fashion accessories
You are responsible for the continuous analysis and management of all relevant operational and financial KPIs
You are involved in the development of marketing plans and promotional activities
You are the interface to our administrative purchasing team, which supports you in operational activities
You are a strong negotiator in English
You have the willingness to travel occasionally
You are used to taking on several responsibilities at the same time and have a hands-on mentality
You have experience in purchasing consumer goods or lifestyle items; first contacts in the premium/luxury fashion industry are an advantage
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