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Edgard & Cooper rekrutiert für Positionen:
Brand Manager
Brand Manager
The kind of food that was as good for the planet as it was for their pets
But when they couldn't find this, they decided to make their own
In 2016, our founders wanted to feed their dogs - named Edgard and Cooper - pet food they could feel good about
Now, 6 years later, our pack has 200 employees and we are beyond proud to be part of the B Corp movement
Want to find out more about us? Click HERE
Great communication and presentation skills
Be willing to be disruptive. We’re a brand making an impact. Only rebels need apply
Digital know-how: you’ll have experience of working across digital channels, especially Meta, YouTube and TikTok
We’re an international company, you need to be great with English - both written and verbal, as well as German of course
Unlimited Pet food for your furry friend whilst you are with us
Ideal start date: What are your plans tomorrow?
Flexibility to work from home
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