Canyon Bicycles in Koblenz Gehalt

Canyon Bicycles
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Gehalt aus Positionen in Canyon Bicycles

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Canyon Bicycles rekrutiert für Positionen:

Junior Manager


  • Management
  • Management


  • Field experience as social auditor or audit coordinator is a plus
  • Highly organized with excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Hands-on mentality with strong analytical, problem-solving, attention to detail capabilities and the ability to break down long-term goals into step-by-step actions
  • You are a self-motivated team player, ready to work cross functional and to adapt to dynamic work surroundings with multiple interest groups
  • A wide range of tasks, tangible products and a sporty team atmosphere in an exciting environment with nice colleagues await you
  • Very good accessibility by bike or public transport, plus company-owned parking facilities

Gehalt aus Positionen in Canyon Bicycles

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
300 €
646 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

300 €