Camelot Management Consultants AG in Mannheim Gehalt

Camelot Management Consultants AG
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Gehalt aus Positionen in Camelot Management Consultants AG

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Camelot Management Consultants AG rekrutiert für Positionen:

Junior Consultant


  • Bank- & Finanzwesen
  • Bank- & Finanzwesen


  • Passion and a strong interest in at least one of the following areas: Organizational Design, Organizational Development, Change Management, Communication and Digital Transformation
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills in German and English
  • Motivated in solving challenging tasks, and strong analytical and conceptional skills
  • Persuasiveness, empathy, self-initiative, enthusiasm and an unlimited readiness to travel
  • Working in an interdisciplinary team in an innovative environment which promotes self-reliance and creativity
  • Analyzing, assessing and optimizing process flows and organizational structures