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Airbus rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Project Manager
Design Engineer
Bank- & Finanzwesen
Bank- & Finanzwesen
We design, develop, integrate and deliver complex training & engineering simulations to our customers
At the core, our simulations are distributed real-time applications
For the development of the FCAS Remote Carrier simulation, we are looking for a Entry Level Simulation Software Engineer
At Airbus Defence and Space the Simulation Department develops top-notch, high-fidelity simulations for a variety of aircrafts, supporting the entire development life cycle
As a member of our team you will support the development of real-time simulations as well as the associated processes and tools to enhance the engineering approach within Airbus Defence & Space with the Virtual Engineering philosophy
several years of experience within Engineering
Experience in software design & testing
Agile Development Methodologies desired
Experience in Flight Simulation and Aircraft Avionics highly appreciated
As you will work in an international environment, occasional travels will be necessary
You are fluent in English
Ready to travel abroad
Good English written and spoken, any other language is an asset
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