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Ada Health rekrutiert für Positionen:
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
You have experience working in the healthcare space and having knowledge of EU/US regulations related to Usability Engineering/Human Factors is a plus
You are highly proficient in both spoken and written English
You are empathetic, curious, and willing to challenge your own assumptions
Duration: 6 months, possibility for extension to 12 months
You have strong qualitative research skills and are comfortable planning, scoping, conducting, analysing and communicating research
You are a proactive communicator and compelling storyteller, who can effectively present research findings to diverse audiences
You are able to confidently own the delivery of your projects, showcasing strong organisational and project management skills in the process
You have excellent facilitation skills and are able to run workshops with various teams across the organisation and/or with clients, bringing different groups and voices together
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