Zertificon Solutions
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Gehalt aus Positionen in Zertificon Solutions

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Zertificon Solutions rekrutiert für Positionen:

Recruiting Manager


  • Personalwirtschaft
  • Personalwirtschaft


  • good level of both English and German in speaking and writing
  • good analytical and critical thinking ability and a strong problem-solving driven attitude
  • a high level of organization skills and a clear ability to follow processes without losing threads
  • working with applicant management softwares
  • collaboration in an international, highly qualified, successful and ambitious team
  • numerous benefits such as home office, hybrid and mobile working, flexible working hours, BVG-Ticket/Parking/Job-Rad, parcel acceptance, organic fruit and drinks, meal allowance, Internet subsidy, team and company events, etc
  • German
  • a reason to have a good mood in the morning- meaningful job within IT security, contributing to a safer world