Verivox in Heidelberg Gehalt

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Gehalt aus Positionen in Verivox

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Geschätztes Gehalt

€ 4500

Mediangehalt bei Verivox

€ 4500 Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 4500 Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 4500 Höchstes Gehalt

Glauben Sie, dass Mitarbeiter, die bei Verivox arbeiten, fair bezahlt werden?

Verivox rekrutiert für Positionen:



  • You are accountable for transparent alignment with all involved stakeholders to ensure smooth expectation management
  • You are responsible for the continuous planning and execution throughout the life cycle of our online comparison products according to our strategy
  • This includes gathering and prioritizing product and customer insights, and working closely with UX, development, key account management, marketing, and customer service to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met along the full user journey from acquisition to retention
  • You support the vision, mission, strategy, and direction of your product and analyze, define, and steer the goals and metrics that drive success
  • You achieve this by capturing a wide range of inputs, understanding and prioritizing this work by efficiently reconciling business goals, user needs and implementation efforts- with the aim to always work on the most impactful projects
  • You work in a sociocracy organized, cross-functional team to identify and shape the business model of your product or service and to identify its biggest risks and opportunities
  • You are eager to unveil the problems that you’re tackling through user research and regular interaction with customers and validate your ideas by applying diverse methods and tools in the fields of Lean Startup, Design Thinking etc
  • You constantly evaluate if your solutions have solved the problem through quantitative and qualitativ measures, both in betas and after full release


  • You are fluent in English and have a proficient knowledge in German
  • Click here to learn more about the ProSiebenSat.1 Group and our diverse portfolio
  • Huge variety of learning options. Conference visits and trainings are part of our culture and are not only offered but required
  • You are structured, organized and results-oriented and able to balance and prioritize multiple projects while sticking to realistic goals and timelines
  • You have a proven ability to build strong relationships within a cross-functional team and beyond
  • High-performing team in an agile environment excited to break new grounds

Gehalt aus Positionen in Verivox

Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position
Durchschnittsgehalt in dieser Position im Land
4500 €
2685 €
4500 €
4452 €

Nationales Durchschnittsgehalt

4188 €

Durchschnittsgehalt in diesem Unternehmen

4500 €

Grafik der Gehaltsänderung im Laufe der Zeit