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Veeco rekrutiert für Positionen:
Field service engineer
Field service engineer
Montage & Instandhaltung
Montage & Instandhaltung
Must be fluent in both English and German and must possess excellent communication skills with the ability to speak with clarity and interface effectively with customer, management and peers
Fluency in English and German and must possess excellent communication skills with the ability to speak with clarity and interface effectively with customers, management, and peers
Experience working with vacuum systems is preferred
Experience with PLC and control systems is preferred
Experience working in clean room and with semiconductor manufacturing equipment is preferred
Requires detailed knowledge of basic computer language and commands
Experience with vacuum & electro-mechanical systems and an understanding of basic software/ programming structures required
Requires excellent systematic troubleshooting skills utilizing a structured and comprehensive process to determine the root cause of an outage with ability to handle problems independently and implement corrective action
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