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UCB S.A. rekrutiert für Positionen:
Project Management
Facility Management
Project Manager
Clear and articulate verbal, written and presentation skills with good command of the English language and the appropriate comportment to represent UCB internationally at meetings and congresses
The MD will also play a major role in the pre-analysis meeting
Clinical Development Experience with Immunology, ideally PsA
Min 5 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry in clinical development including knowledge of GCP
If you believe you are the perfect match to join us on our pioneering adventure, then we invite you to apply and tell us more about your profile and motivation
UCB and its subsidiaries encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace; we are an Equal Opportunity Employer
Contribute to the clinical section of documents including, but not limited to, the Investigator Brochure , Annual IND Safety Updates/EU Annual Reports, Clinical Study Reports, and submission related documents such as the Clinical Summary of Efficacy and Safety and the Clinical Overview
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