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SPREAD rekrutiert für Positionen:
Product designer
Product designer
IT Administrator
Quality Assurance Engineer
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
Informationsdesign & Dokumentation
You will work on a variety of projects that integrate digital designs into products or services in the field of mechanics, electronics and software for industries such as automotive, machinery, or aerospace
You will leverage an iterative, user-centered approach and solid UI design skills to conceive and deliver valuable new experiences for our clients and colleagues across mobile and web platforms
In this role, you will contribute to all aspects of the product development life cycle from research and ideation through to detailed design and delivery with an emphasis on rapid prototyping, frequent validation with end-users and creatively approaching constraints
You'll utilize industry design standards and best practices to define and implement design criteria, you'll apply user-centered design methodologies to ensure your ideas are based on customer needs
You'll prepare research and testing, produce personas, map pain points, and customer journeys, develop service blueprints, construct quick interactive prototypes in low fidelity illustrating your UX/UI design that presents a realistic feel of the intended experience for complex products
You will collaborate closely with product managers, developers, and other disciplines to identify what will be most critical to the success of a product, what it should feel like to interact with a product or service across multiple touchpoints, and to define how we bring that experience into reality
You will also have the opportunity to be an advocate and coach for design thinking, helping others in the firm develop their knowledge, skills, and capabilities in the use of empathetic, inventive, and iterative methods for product development
Entrepreneurial, experimental, and self-driven while also being collaborative, with a professional presence
Strong influencing, negotiation, and communication skills
Native-level German and excellent English language skills
Proven ability as a solid hands-on practitioner demonstrated through a diverse body of work across a range of projects
Ability to function, adapt, and succeed in a constantly changing, fast-paced environment
Excellent knowledge of UI and prototyping tools such as Figma and Miro
Connection to the design community with a passion for design
Nice to have: experience with machinery projects or automotive and Webflow
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