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RaiseNow rekrutiert für Positionen:
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Proficiency in the ecosystem of PHP together with Symfony
Experience with integrating payment providers
Knowledge of RESTful APIs and event-driven systems
Striving for simplicity and when it’s not possible, keeping an eye on the devil in the details
Gathering and translating high-level requirements into technical specifications
Familiar with unit and functional testing as well as code reviews, git workflows, and continuous delivery approach
Fluent in written and verbal English
Part-time scope: at least 80%
Integrate new payment providers and methods, with a focus on maintainability, robustness, and scalability
Collaborate with other teams to design complex solutions, like easy-to-build payment forms or integrations with the leading CRMs
Take part in monitoring the payment platform for performance, stability, and security
Ensure code quality by performing code reviews and coaching junior team members
Offer 2nd-level support for the most complex issues
Drive forward the payment microservices and the system architecture, e.g. by making sensible choices from system design down to code design patterns
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