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PAKi Logistics rekrutiert für Positionen:
Debitoren Kreditorenbuchhalter
Area Sales Manager
Key Account Manager
IT Netzwerkadministrator
Native speaker of Spanish with good English skills are absolute prerequisites
You are very willing to travel for several days at a time
If you are looking for varied and interesting challenges in an international environment, then choose PAKi Logistics GmbH
You have the ability to enthuse others and to learn from them coupled with a marked determination to achieve your goals
Further language skills such as German would be an advantage
You are assertive with distinct negotiation skills and a persuasive and personable manner at all levels of the corporate hierarchy
You have a hands-on mentality, are honest, reputable, loyal and service-orientated
We are looking for someone who is very much a people person and has great relationship building skills, those of which include honesty, loyalty and strong communication skills. The candidate needs to be open to travel for several days at a time
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