Gehalt aus Positionen in Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe
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Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe rekrutiert für Positionen:
Sales Manager
Sales Manager
Tax Manager
You have min 10 years experience in Power Generation/ Gas Turbine / GTCC sales
You have already been in responsible positions in new sales generation and can prove record of closed orders
Your expertise includes a profund technical an commercial background
You are able to manage very large areas and/or complex customers
You are used to work in a complex international organisation
You have an international mindset, very good communication skills and a high level of intercultural awareness
attractive working conditions with a high level of flexibility e.g. on the place/ region of work
If you are intersted to join our team, please provide us with you application through the system, including your availabilities, salary expectations and relevant certificates
Work closely with the regional sales managers to ensure full compliance with the company sales process
Identify and drives the development of new market opportunities in the designated market and ensures know-how sharing and cross-collaboration
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