Gehalt aus Positionen in Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
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Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. rekrutiert für Positionen:
Technical Application Engineer
Technical Application Engineer
Knowledge of power conversion and inverter systems covering power ranges of a few kilowatts to hundreds of kilowatts
Demonstrated time management skills to accomplish long-term assignments
Excellent communication and technical presentation skills in German and English language and willingness to frequently travel within Germany and Europe
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, having the ability to lead and drive projects in an organized teamwork and systematic approach
Knowledge of IGBT/SiC power devices performance & qualifications requirements
Self-driven proactive approach to customer oriented business development with strong stakeholder management skills
Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering and several years of power-electronics work experience as well as technical marketing. Expertise in related application areas such as eMobility is a plus
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