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Miltenyi Biomedicine rekrutiert für Positionen:
Research Manager
Research Manager
You successfully completed your studies in the field of market research, economics, psychology, sociology or life sciences or equivalent
You love to work in an independent, structured and solution-oriented way
You have several years of professional experience in a market research institute and/or in operational market research, ideally with focus on pharma, medical devices or health care
Common qualitative and quantitative market research methods are daily business for you and you are keen to overview current methodical market research developments
Additional Information
You use your high conceptual and excellent analytical skills in a targeted way and you find it easy to convince your colleagues and stakeholders with your distinctive communication
Become part of our team at the headquarters in Bergisch Gladbach and pave the way in this newly create role for the approval of personalized cell and gene therapies
Cross-border intercultural cooperation and short communication channels
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