Mercanis in Berlin Gehalt

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Gehalt aus Positionen in Mercanis

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Geschätztes Gehalt

€ 2200

Mediangehalt bei Mercanis

€ 2200 Niedrigstes Gehalt
€ 2200 Das Durchschnittsgehalt
€ 2200 Höchstes Gehalt

Glauben Sie, dass Mitarbeiter, die bei Mercanis arbeiten, fair bezahlt werden?

Mercanis rekrutiert für Positionen:

Management Engineering


  • You are excited to tackle complex business situations and feel comfortable being in an underdog position
  • You’re business fluent in German and English and can stay with us for 4-6 months, full time
  • You have first work experience in demanding, fast-paced environments
  • You have exceptional analytical skills and a strong attention to detail, as well as a hands-on attitude
  • A lot of space for your own ideas with a sparring approach - you will have a high level of autonomy and ownership
  • Our team stands out: here, you will get to work with a highly motivated team that strives in the company culture to try, fail, learns, and improve every day