Gehalt aus Positionen in medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate
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medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate rekrutiert für Positionen:
Application Manager
Application Manager
Maschinen Anlagenführer
Maschinen Anlagenführer
Supply Chain Management
Pharmazeutisch technischer Assistent
Mitarbeiter Außendienst
Application Manager
You have a degree in the field of informatics or have completed comparable training
You have very good knowledge of Microsoft 365, in particular SharePoint
Confident handling of the Microsoft Power Platform is desirable
You have very good written and spoken German and English skills
Know-how in the introduction or operation of document management systems is an advantage
You have a quick grasp and strong analytical and conceptual skills
You are characterized by a high level of commitment, motivation and independent work
You take part in projects and support the specialist departments in second and third level support
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