Recognized as a reliable and solid employer with various positive aspects such as work-life balance, career development, and co-worker solidarity
Patients' appreciation for supportive nursing staff and therapists, even in challenging situations
Positive changes noted, such as the introduction of collective agreements
Issues with staff attitudes, including feelings of being a burden and not being taken seriously by doctors
Operational inconsistencies such as therapy sessions being frequently canceled and lack of support during critical times
Poor meal quality noted in some reviews, with suggestions for improvement in food preparation
Reports of poor management and communication issues leading to frustration among both staff and patients
Wir warten auf neue Infos über Martin Gropius Krankenhaus. Sollte sich jetzt etwas in Bezug auf Arbeit dort geändert haben, denn immer noch gibt es keine neuen Infos von Ihnen, sagt bescheid.
Innovative Projekte bei Martin Gropius Krankenhaus inspirieren die Mitarbeiter in Eberswalde ständig und regen sie zu innovativem Denken und zur Umsetzung neuer Ideen an.