Gehalt aus Positionen in Kammer International Bilingual School
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Kammer International Bilingual School rekrutiert für Positionen:
Early years teacher
Early years teacher
KIBS wants to be part of shaping the future of bilingual education
This will equip our children to face the ever-changing global world on our doorstep
Establishing an education based on German and international foundations, we are striving to create a superior quality of education in a school community that nourishes and celebrates all the different talents of our students
creating highly skilled individuals and excellent communicators who don’t hesitate to take risks and hence strive for excellence, independence and uniqueness in all areas
has good interpersonal skills and a sense of humour
works well independently as well as in a team
is committed and hard-working
has secure IT skills including knowledge of white board and smart board technology
can stimulate our motivated children to achieve high levels of progress to meet the demands of our academically inspired curriculum
Goals: Curiosity counts
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