Juvigo in Berlin Gehalt

Adalbertstr. 20, 10997 Berlin, Deutschland
Telefon:  +49 30 868001060
MwSt-IdNr.: HRB 170549 B

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Gehalt aus Positionen in Juvigo

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Juvigo rekrutiert für Positionen:

Project Management


  • You like working with a young and ambitious team
  • You are motivated and want to generate awareness for our product and brand
  • You like writing and editing texts, with a strong sense for details
  • You want to develop a career in the travel sector and within an intercultural environment
  • The internship is mandatory in the course of your studies/university program
  • The internship duration is minimum 5 months
  • International, English, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Bonus: You attended a language trip - as a child, as a counselor or as a teacher